CPU hosts a monthly virtual conversation with parents, students, teachers and community highlighting the local issues happening in our city. Special guests and experts in areas of education, economics, housing, legislation, etc., give insight on ways to bring solutions and offer support in keep the community involved

We offer support and education to parents and students arming them with tools to confidently lift their voice and advocate for the needs of themselves and their children. We teach civic engagement and give access to resources to ensure that parents and students are well equipped to participate in civic opportunities in the city.

Our goal is to de-silo Camden residents and community groups by building power with a multiracial coalition that is committed to creating community driven solutions to dismantle social and educational inequities, and injustices. We stand against corruption that includes but is not limited too: school privatization, closures, colonization, gentrification, school to prison pipelines, institutional and systemic racism.
The idea of the "Camden Harvest Fest" is to give Camden Residents an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of receiving. Our City has been under great strain for many economic, social, and spiritual reasons. During the holidays many families feel the brunt of poverty and economic hardships. "Camden Harvest Fest" will be our way of saying thank you to our residents and show our community appreciation with a family style dinner.

CAMDEN CAMP EXCELLENCE is an Arts, Culture and Education summer day camp that will provide what is important to your child’s need. We target what you the parent would like to see your child strengthen or enhance. We also have taking it a step further and partnered with the several community organizations and businesses to provide that level excellence and safety.

Who we are
We are a group of concerned Camden parents, care givers and guardians that work diligently advocating for better education, safer schools, equal funding, maximum resources and inclusion in any decisions that are made for our children’s education.